
Plastic equipment can be more expensive than you first expect, especially if you need multiple units of equipment to complete a certain manufacturing process. Upgrading to newer, larger, and better equipment is a constant demand in plastic manufacturing as well. But when it comes time to sell used plastic machinery to recoup your costs, where do you turn?

Freeing up needed space and putting a little money back into the business can be simple with the right help from us.

Tips to Sell Used Plastic Machinery of All Kinds

Collect Documentation

The year, make, and model of the extruder, twin screw or any related downstream plastic processing equipment you want to sell is just the first layer of information you need for the sale. To make it easier to attract buyers and close the deal, try to list more information like required power sources, compatible materials, total weight or hauling requirements, and even the serial number so buyers can verify information on their own. The more information you provide to us, the faster we can sell your unneeded equipment.

Choose a Price

Before settling on a final price for the plastic machinery you want to sell, consider its condition, shipping costs, and transfer fees. If there are issues with the equipment, either be prepared to accept a lower price or invest in repairs before expecting to get the top price for a used plastic grinder or pelletizer.

Decide on a Timeframe

How quickly do you need the equipment out of the way? If it’s taking up space that will hold the modernized or more efficient replacement, being willing to sell used plastic machinery for slightly less can help it move as quickly as possible. If reducing the price isn’t possible, make sure to highlight the best features of the equipment to attract as much buyer attention as you can.

Work on Presentation

Speaking of highlighting the best features, take a critical look at the plastic manufacturing machinery before listing it for sale as used. Is there cosmetic or functional issues that could be fixed relatively easily? Sometimes just spraying down or scrubbing a piece of heavy machinery can make a major difference in how reliable and valuable it looks. Buyers shop with their eyes first, even when looking for used plastic machinery, so don’t overlook the value of repairing superficial damage.

Take Plenty of Pictures (and Video!)

Once the equipment you’re selling is clean and in good repair, it’s time to document it. Take pictures in good light and from multiple angles, focusing particularly on control panels, removable parts, and nozzles or outlets that can be damaged on some plastic machinery. Show the condition in-depth, preferably even with a video of the equipment in use, to make it catch the eye of eager buyers.

Finding the Best Way to Sell Used Plastic Machinery Online

Even after you do all of the above, it’s not that simple to find a website to sell used plastic machinery online.  Revelation Machinery is your source for help when it comes to selling plastic equipment of all kinds. We respect that your time is money, and we’ll put the work into helping you sell your plastic machinery regardless of its size, type, or value. We’ll help with recommendations on crafting listings that grab the attention of buyers. Then we’ll push your equipment ads in front of as many interested buyers as possible, all while you sit back and do nothing. Enjoy a 5x higher chance of making the sale at your desired price with the help of our team, that has over 32 years of experience buying and selling plastic equipment.

List and sell used plastic machinery today by clicking here or calling us at 312-761-9396.